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Encouraging the existing and future clients to choose “Capital Clinic Riga” and «Veselības centrs», Ltd. as a reliable and professional partner, we have created a client loyalty program, which will provide an opportunity to take care of your health and beauty on particularly favourable conditions!


Encouraging the existing and future clients to choose “Capital Clinic Riga” and «Veselības centrs», Ltd. as a reliable and professional partner, we have created a client loyalty program, which will provide an opportunity to take care of your health and beauty on particularly favourable conditions!

Sadarbības partneri

SIA "Capital Clinic Riga" ir sertificēta kvalitātes vadības sistēma atbilstoši ISO 9001:2015, kas apliecina mūsu atbilstību starptautiska kvalitātes standarta prasībām, norādot uz sniegto pakalpojumu kvalitāti, kā arī mūsu darbinieku un pacientu apmierinātību!