Provides consultations to patients over the age of 1 year
Provides therapeutic foot care for adults and children from birth LV | RU
Provides therapeutic foot care for adults only LV | EN | IT | RU
Consultations for adults only LV | EN | RU
Counselling children and adults LV | EN | GR
Provides consultations to adults only LV | EN | DE
Provides consultations to adults and children from 6 years of age LV | EN | RU
Provides consultations to adults and children LV | EN | RU
Provides consultations for children since birth LV | RU
Provides consultations to adults only LV | EN | RU
Provides consultations to patients from 12 years of age
Provides consultations for adults only

SIA "Capital Clinic Riga" ir sertificēta kvalitātes vadības sistēma atbilstoši ISO 9001:2015, kas apliecina mūsu atbilstību starptautiska kvalitātes standarta prasībām, norādot uz sniegto pakalpojumu kvalitāti, kā arī mūsu darbinieku un pacientu apmierinātību!