

Capital Clinic Riga offers a wide range of diagnostic and treatment services for acute and chronic skin, nail, hair and mucous membranes. We treat infections (fungal, bacterial, viral infections), acne, rosacea, psoriasis, atopic dermatitis and various autoimmune conditions.

Capital Clinic Riga offers:

• Diagnostics, treatment and prevention of skin formation;

• Ablation laser therapy for skin forms (CO2, electrocoagulation);

• Diagnostic facial removal ("punch", "shaving" or cutting) with further laboratory testing of tissue;

• Beauty injections with filler, neurotoxins. We use the latest regenerative medicine options - Plasma injection for various therapies, such as increased hair loss (alopecia), acne, rosacea, etc. illness cases;

• Recovery procedures with laser devices;

• Treatment for sexually transmitted diseases.


To apply for a consultation and learn more, please, call: 66 333333, 29334224, e-mail us at: [email protected] or use e-appointment