

Capital Clinic Riga is Maris Revalds, Head of the Health Center 4, vision and implementation of plans for clinic with high medical standards, the best practices and the best experience in the field of medicine.


Maris Revalds

Māris Rēvalds

Over the past 20 years Maris Revalds has developed the largest private ambulatory medical institution in Latvia – Health Centre 4 – with branches throughout the country. Maris Revalds understands that the medical field is fast changing, in technology, in new research and discoveries, in treatment, and how patients are personally cared for. His philosophy is that one must continually strive to improve oneself and that professional development never ceases.

“I have accumulated a great deal of experience and knowledge working in the medical field. I can see the whole ‘chess board’, observe the interconnections. Although by education I am a physician, over the years I have developed a strong business intuition that allows me to make correct decisions, including the decision to open a new type of private medical institution that offers the latest medical technology together with the most modern methodology and services available to meet today’s requirements. That is another step forward because HC4 continues to expand, opening a new branch every year. We continue to invest in our undertaking and will continue to do so, keeping in mind that we, as physicians and entrepreneurs, are more oriented toward decisions whose bottom line is not financial gain but contribution to society and medical development.”


Evija Mirzojana

Capital Clinic Riga, Head of the Board

"I have been working at Health Centre 4 subsidiaries and group enterprises for more than 10 years already, therefore I have obtained an invaluable experience how to organize work at medical organizations, I know the specifics, and I have a great experience of introducing state-of-the-art technologies nationwide.

The specific of Capital Clinic Riga is, that here our clients will receive not only the best possible treatment and the most advanced and informative diagnostics, but special service as well. We have made a major step forward in terms of service quality, thus drawing interest not only of local clients but those from abroad as well. Since start-up of the Clinic, we have received a lot of positive feedback and that is a good incentive for further work. Health. Time. Capital - these are the three words, included in the Clinic's slogan and they are the essence of the values we and our clients appreciate."